How this website works

This website is a guide to finding a whole range of historical locations across the British Isles using google maps as a tool. (Please note, this is only a guide, not all locations are accessible to the general public and some locations charge for access.)
Using the Map Pages, you will find a list of areas and the counties which fall under each of these areas.  Click on the area hyperlink (in blue) which will direct you to a list of the counties and the map links to google maps.  Some counties contain a large number of locations and so their maybe more than one map per county.
The maps are split into two types
  • Historical Locations - these show Castles, Mottes, Forts, Towers, Roman locations, Halls, Religious Sites. Burial Chambers and Stone Circles.
  • Further Historical Locations - these show moats, hut circles, bridges, dovecotes, wells, crosses, stones, other historical buildings, waterfalls, other religious sites, tumuli & tumulus, mill mounds and additional earthworks
Details can be found below of the colour coding for the maps and also what the historical locations have been mapped.
On the Historical Locations the following key applies

 Blue Icons - Earth based Sites & Features like Earthworks (Visited / Unvisited / Location Ambiguous)
Red Icons - Castles, Towers & Gatehouses (Visited / Unvisited / Location Ambiguous)
  Green icons - Mottes (Visited / Unvisited / Location Ambiguous)
  Light Blue Icons - FortsDuns (Visited / Unvisited / Location Ambiguous)
  Yellow Icons - Roman Sites & Features (Visited / Unvisited / Location Ambiguous)
  Purple Icon - Stone Circles, Henges, Burial Chambers (Visited / Unvisited / Location Ambiguous)
  Pink Icon - Religious Sites & Features (Visited / Unvisited / Location Ambiguous)
  Flag Icon - Battle Fields and Locations
 Building Icon - Historic Houses, Halls and Important Buildings 


On the Further Historical Locations the following key applies

 Blue Icons - Hut CirclesMoatsCrannogs and various Earth Features (Visited / Unvisited / Location Ambiguous)
Red Icons -  (Visited / Unvisited / Location Ambiguous)
  Green icons -  (Visited / Unvisited / Location Ambiguous)
  Light Blue Icons - Bridges, Dovecotes (Visited / Unvisited / Location Ambiguous)
  Yellow Icons - Standing Stones and Other Stone Features (Visited / Unvisited / Location Ambiguous)
  Purple Icon - TumulusTumuli (Visited / Unvisited / Location Ambiguous)
  Pink Icon - Wells, Crosses and Other Religious features (Visited / Unvisited / Location Ambiguous)
  Flag Icon - ....
 Building Icon - Other Historical Buildings 


Clicking on the hyperlink to the maps you will be taken to the google map of that county or section of the county which will show locations of historical places, click on the icons to find out what the icon is as well as details of location, a rough grid reference and sometimes their will be links to external websites for further information.
Example : say you wish to find historical locations in Chester. Click on Map Pages, , find the county which you wish to find your location, in this case the North Wes, click on that area and scroll down the list to the right County.  On finding Cheshire, click on the hyperlink(s) to the county, this might mean clicking on more than one map to find what locations they find zoom into Chester and click on the icons you find in Chester. 
(The website is a work in progress so changes are made regularly and is only a guide to find locations.  Please enjoy your time using the website and hope you find it of some use.
Details of the mapping on google (key) - see below on a key to the icons what they all mean.

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